Learn to build web applications with Ruby on Rails, the framework that powers (among many other things) GitHub, AirBnB, & Shopify!
Rails has long been the development framework of choice for one-person startups for a good reason - it's a one-stop shop that prioritizes developer happiness & makes it simple to turn your ideas into working software. Despite the fact that it's not quite as trendy as it was 20 years ago when it was released & changed the game for web developers everywhere, it's still a great choice for building software, with a mature & super helpful community behind it to support you.
This is a one-week intensive course to make sure you're up to speed with some of the fundamentals and introduce you to the basics of Ruby on Rails by following the classic "build a blog from scratch in 15 minutes" lesson as well as making a lightweight Reddit clone.
Scholarship funds are available - reach out for more information
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